Das Haus von Wettin - The House of WETTIN

The OSANG Family

A Record of the OSANG Family in Germany, England

and the United States of America


Die Wähler von Sachsen waren einer von vielen unabhängigen Staaten, Städten und Bistümern usw., die das heilige Römische Reich von der deutschen Nation formten

Sachsen, das Haus von Wettin - Saxony, The House of WETTIN



Friedrich I / Frederick I 1423 - 1428

Friedrich II / Frederick II 1428 - 1464

Ernst / Ernest 1464 - 1486

Friedrich III / Frederick III 1486 - 1525

Johann / John 1525 - 1532

Johann Friedrich I / John Frederick I 1532 - 1547

Moritz / Maurice 1547 - 1553

August I / Augustus I 1553 - 1586

Christian I 1586 - 1591

Christian II 1591 - 1611

Johann Georg I / John George I 1611 - 1656

Johann Georg II / John George II 1656 - 1680

Johann Georg III / John George III 1680 - 1691

Johann Georg IV / John George IV 1691 - 1694

Friedrich August I / Frederick Augustus I 1694 - 1733 (also King of Poland)

Friedrich August II / Frederick Augustus II 1733 - 1763 (also King of Poland)

Frederick Christian / Friedrich Christian 1763 - 1763

Friedrich August III / Frederick Augustus III 1763 - 1806


In 1806, the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation was abolished by Emperor Napoleon I. At the same time, he created the Kingdom of Saxony, and thus the Elector became the King of Saxony.




Friedrich August I / Frederick Augustus I 1806 - 1827

Anton / Anthony 1827 - 1836

Friedrich August II / Frederick Augustus II 1836 - 1854

Johann / John 1854 - 1873

Albert 29 October 1873 - 1902

Georg / George 1902 - 1904

Friedrich August III / Frederick Augustus III 1904 – 1918.


On the 13th November 1918, the last King of Saxony abdicated voluntarily after the defeat of the German Empire in World War I.